Food Distribution Group Slashes Waste Spend by 50%

Not too long ago, Southern Foods was overspending by $38,400 on their waste disposal services. 

They didn’t know could add to their bottom line by adding a recycling stream. They didn’t know they were being overserviced. And they didn’t know they were being overcharged!

But they did know that too much time was being spent on monitoring invoices. And they knew that something had to change.

When we came on board, the first thing we did was perform a waste generation survey, or an audit. We looked at their waste sources, their vendors, their contracts, and their invoices. We looked at service levels, at pick-up frequency, and at the dumpsters and roll-offs on site. 

Southern Foods was originally paying over $70,000 on waste. We were able to cut that down to $33,600 - a 53% reduction!

We found the gaps in their current waste management process and offered an implementation strategy for results-driven solutions. Our audit revealed that by diverting their recycling materials from their waste stream, they could recoup revenue. The audit also showed they were being serviced too much and were paying for more pick-ups than they needed.

We implemented cost-cutting measures and optimized their service levels, coordinating our efforts with site managers.

Vic Nussbaum was so relieved that his waste worries were gone, he wrote us: “Your thoroughness allowed me to spend time ‘managing’ the operations here at Southern Foods, instead of ‘managing’ our waste bills.”

Southern Foods Inc

Vic knew the value not only of protecting his bottom line, but protecting his time. He knew that his time was best allocated to real management. That didn’t include babysitting haulers or reviewing invoices. 

He knew that he could trust us because our process was exhaustive. We found incredible savings - and he knew we would do our part to protect those savings by reviewing and monitoring all of his waste invoices. 

We’ve helped companies in every industry find relief from their waste worries. Our work levels the playing field: you aren’t subject to price hikes, to contract auto-renewals, or to tacked-on fees.  Budgeting for waste expenses becomes easier because you’ll know exactly what you’ll be paying. And ultimately, you have the peace of mind knowing that your resources are allocated appropriately.

How much savings are you sitting on? Find out for free - all of our consults and audits are free. Schedule a no-obligation consultation to see if our services are a fit for you.


How Hauler Contracts Make You Overpay on Waste Expenses: Part 1


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