Waste Consultants Inc.

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How to Put Your Waste Management on Auto-Pilot

I’m willing to bet you didn’t wake up this morning thinking about how you could spend more of your time thinking about trash.

But I’d like you to consider spending a few minutes thinking about trash today.


Well, first, 90% of companies are overspending on their waste. You don’t need to be one of them. There are too many hidden problems that most companies have, and what they don’t know hurts them.

Second, it’s easy to save on your waste expenses. You don’t have to do inordinate amounts of work. You don’t have to do tons and tons of research to try to figure out how to save.

In fact, this blog post will show you just how easy it can be to save if you don’t have the money or time for a typical waste review.

You can put your waste management on auto-pilot by:

  • Delegating the waste review process.

  • Taking on 0% risk during the process itself.

  • Ensuring future savings

Delegate the waste review process.

In order to save on your waste expenses, you need an independent waste review. Waste and recycling haulers don’t have the financial incentive to properly evaluate your real waste needs. They rarely set up service agreements that help you save. They don’t make it easy for you to make changes to your services or contract specifications.

You need a waste ally - someone who knows the industry and can show you where your savings opportunities are. You don’t need to have the time or expertise to do it yourself. You can delegate the entire process to a trusted industry expert.

You don’t need to be involved in the nitty-gritty details of your waste management process. You and your staff likely have more important things to attend to.

We take on the thorough examination process so our clients don’t have to. We find every overlooked savings opportunity, and show you the exact steps you need to take to find savings.

Taking on 0% risk for the off-site waste review.

The way we do business is really different from a lot of other waste auditors. If we don’t find savings during our review process, you don’t owe us anything. It’s that simple.

No savings, no charge.

It doesn’t happen often (only about 10% of the time in the past 19 years!), but when it does, we simply part ways with the client without charging a dime. In this scenario, the client essentially gets a free waste audit to ensure their waste management process is efficient.

We don’t believe in charging for services that are don’t actually help your bottom line. Lots of other companies out there don’t have a problem with that. But that’s not how we do things.

There are no monthly charges or invoicing during the initial review period. Instead, our off-site team works behind the scenes in conjunction with your staff to find your savings opportunities.

And even after the review process is completed, your risk is still mitigated. How? We are paid solely out of the savings we find for you. No extra line items in the budget. No scrounging for more resources to allocate. You can always afford us because we’re paid out of your waste savings - usually at rates of 50%.

Future Savings Opportunities are Never Missed.

After your initial review process is completed, we continue to periodically review your account for other savings opportunities.

  • We track all contract expiration dates. Prior to your contract’s expiration, we evaluate your market to see if other less expensive haulers are available.

  • We renegotiate expiring contracts. We ensure that you get the best terms available to you. We know exactly what should - and should not - be in a new contract, and we make sure that’s exactly what you get.

  • We handle the negotiate process for new contracts. If a better, less expensive vendor becomes available at the right time, we handle all the negotiations and make sure you get the ideal contract terms.

So on top of the 10-30% reduction in waste expenses every month, companies can continue to expect support to solve and prevent future waste disposal problems.

Put waste savings on auto-pilot.

Having a waste ally allows you to find waste savings automatically. During the initial audit period, we require minimal documents and interaction with your team.

Our thorough review happens entirely off-site, and we continually review your account for more savings opportunities.

The entire process maximizes your resources. We protect your time and your investment in the review process, and our results are reliable - 90% of companies we work with see a reduction in waste expenses.

What questions do you have about putting your waste savings on auto-pilot?