Hurting for Time? Three Ways We Make Your Company More Efficient: Part 1

Most companies have struggled since the onset of the pandemic. It’s caused economic upheaval and unemployment rates are still trying to recover.

As a result, you may find yourself shorter on time than ever. You may struggle with staffing. And you may find yourself with reduced profit margins to boot.

What’s a company to do?

A waste review expert can help alleviate three of the most pressing issues for most companies right now:

  • lack of time

  • lack of staffing

  • lack of resources

For the next three weeks, we’ll discuss each of these topics.

Today, let’s focus on the first item and answer the following questions: how can a waste review help companies protect their time?

A waste review helps companies save time by delegating the review process.

Most companies are overspending on waste - we estimate this number hovers around 90% in the US. But, most companies don’t know this. And even if they did, they likely wouldn’t know how to assess their current waste issues or what to do in order to correct these problems.

This is where a waste review expert like us comes in handy. We’ve been doing waste reviews for almost 20 years. We know where to find your hidden waste problems. We know the questions to ask, the documents to review, and how to handle hauler communications. And we know how to implement the solutions you actually need.

Your team doesn’t have time to learn the right way to do an analysis then to complete a thorough one.

We do.

You can save three months of effort (the typical length of time it takes to complete a waste audit). And because our method has proven to work, you can know that there’s a 90% chance that at the end of that time, you’ll save 10-30% off of your waste expenses.

A waste review expert helps companies save time by handling service and billing issues.

Service issues can be intimidating for the uninitiated. We handled hundreds of service issues for our clients ranging from small things like missed pick-ups to larger issues like haulers who repeatedly leave trash strewn across the property.

We’ve taken the lead on behalf of multiple clients for their billing mistakes large and small as well. Haulers sometimes make mistakes that are significant. If invoices are not reviewed, you can end up overpaying by thousands over time. (We estimate billing errors occur about 10% of the time over a year.) Why take this chance?

Your staff likely don’t have the time to deal with gnarly service issues. They may not have the time to review every invoice that comes in. Let them prioritize other issues, and delegate customer service and billing review to people who know how to protect your interests.

A waste review helps companies save time by preventing waste issues.

Our services are designed not only to fix current problems, but to prevent future ones. We do this in two ways.

First, when we initially review your waste management process, we do it thoroughly. We review every waste stream and do everything we can to eliminate inefficiencies. We recommend changes that will reduce your costs, like changing equipment size, varying pick-up days, or reducing the number of pick-ups per week.

We also have the capability to collect data using sensitive cameras installed on your waste equipment. As a result, we can track missed pickups and fill levels. This allows us to make sure you get compensated for missed pickups. It also gives us a way to ensure you’re getting serviced as often as you need: if your fill levels are consistently low when they are picked up, we’ll be able to see that and update your service levels accordingly.

We also review your waste needs at the end of your contract term. Waste needs change over time, and we want you to be able to maximize every savings opportunity available to you. We make sure you still have the most cost-effective vendor by negotiating prices. We make sure you’re using the most efficient waste equipment.

All of this ensures that we are able to protect your bottom line. Missed pick-ups don’t go unnoticed. And service levels and equipment are optimized. And your waste expenses go towards what you actually need - not what your waste hauler “thinks” you need.

Protect your time with a waste review. It’s a dependable, proven way to protect your time, your staff’s time, and ultimately, your bottom line.

How could a waste review protect your time? Let us know in the comments below!


What it's Like to Partner with Us - Part 2


5 Reasons Why You Should Overspend on Waste - Part 1