How to Overspend on Your Dumpsters This Month

Most companies in the US are overspending on their dumpsters and they’re all doing it in the following ways:

  1. Getting too much service.

  2. Not having the right dumpsters sizes.

  3. Not having the right number of dumpsters.

These are the waste disposal problems we routinely fix for clients and we know just how much money and time can be saved by addressing each of these issues.

Getting too much waste disposal service.

There’s a good chance - it hovers around 70% - that you’re getting too much waste service. You’re getting pickups four times a week, when you only need two. Or you’re getting service everyday and you only need it three times a week.

There’s a simple reason this over-servicing occurs: the more service you get, the more your hauler gets paid. They’re incentivized to overestimate your real waste needs - not to save you money.

Once simple way to tell if you need to reduce service is by observing how full your dumpsters are when they’re serviced. If they’re less than half full, you need to reduce your service days.

Making this change will likely save you hundreds of dollars over the next year - and the effect will be multiplied across every location you implement this cost-cutting measure.

Not having the right size dumpsters.

Larger dumpsters can save you by further reducing the number of needed pick-ups. Alternatively, smaller dumpsters may reduce the rent you pay for their use.

The right size of dumpsters is critical, and there are a number of factors that can help you determine which size to use. Ask your hauler to give you quotes for:

  • larger dumpsters with less service

  • smaller dumpsters with more service

  • smaller dumpsters with less service

You’ll need to have a pretty good idea of your trash output to know what will actually work in your favor, so it’s recommended to first reduce your service days, as we mentioned in the first tip, then adjust your dumpster sizes accordingly.

Not having the right number of dumpsters.

You’ll need to simultaneously evaluate the right number of dumpsters as well as the correct size.

You may be somewhat limited by space constraints as to how many dumpsters you can have, but it is worth exploring the possibility in order to ensure you are paying what you should for waste disposal expenses.

When you ask your hauler for quotes, be sure to ask for a varying amount of sizes.

With all of this information, you’ll be able to make the best decision for the locations in your portfolio, and you’ll likely save yourself thousands of dollars in the process.


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