Free Access: Mini E-Course, "Your 5 Hidden Waste Problems"

When was the last time you heard someone complain about their waste contract? Probably never, right?

This is because most people don’t see the waste problems right under their own nose.

They don’t know they have hidden waste problems - and chances are that you’re one of them.

This is exactly why we created this free mini course. We spell out exactly what you should look for to save.

These issues can steal thousands of dollars from your bottom line, but they can absolutely be prevented.

This course is the first of its kind and is designed for busy professionals who want to save on their company’s waste expenses.

Why this free course is necessary

90% of companies nationwide are overspending on waste by 10-30% every month. Why? Because they don’t know how they’re overspending.

Not many people have the time or expertise to carefully review their waste and recycling contracts before they sign them. You have more important things to do during your day, right?

And even fewer people know what to look for on those contracts - and when they’re hiring a hauler, or renegotiating a current contract.

But there’s another reason these problems are hidden. It’s because most haulers are not going out of their way to charge fairly and set up honest contracts. Haulers are out to make a profit, and they will sometimes go to extremes to ensure they retain your business.

In the course, we talk about how having automatic renewal clauses makes it difficult for you to change vendors. We talk about how not capping price hikes will make you overpay. We talk about how you actually aren’t required to pay ancillary fees.

We take a behind the scenes look at how haulers try to pull fast ones. And we show you what you can do about it.

How this course is delivered

One section of this 7-part course is delivered to your email inbox every three days. At the end of the course, you’ll receive a link with access to all of the videos and additional PDFs so that you can easily and permanently access the course.

This course is:

  • Easy. We break down concepts and make it clear how each problem can impact your bottom line.

  • Convenient. We’ll email you once every three days, so you can view the videos at your convenience. No rush, and no deadlines.

  • Completely free. We’ve distilled 18 years of waste experience in this course and you can access it all for free.

And if you sign up right now, we’ll include an additional free PDF with even more savings tips!

Click here to sign up >>


How Much Can I Save On My Waste Spend?


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