We Have a Waste Contract: Can You Still Help?

Most of our clients have waste hauler contracts already in place. Yet, we’re still able to find them 20-40% in gross savings. 

And we can do the same for you. 

We can help you because:

  1. We know how to renegotiate current hauler contracts

  2. We have market knowledge 

  3. We have equipment knowledge 

Having a current waste hauler contract is not an obstacle for us; it’s an opportunity. Let’s explore why.

We know how to renegotiate current hauler contracts

Save on Waste Expenses

We know how and when to renegotiate hauler contracts. 

First, we know when it’s a good idea and when it’s not. During our exhaustive audit, we evaluate whether you will save more money by getting a new contract with a new hauler. But if we find you’ll save more by staying with your current hauler, we may renegotiate your contract. 

During the renegotiation process, we evaluate your contract and decide what ought to change.

During the evaluation process, we make a list of every “hole” we find in your contract. We may find:

  • Exorbitant hauler rates

  • Multiple ancillary fees

  • Auto-renewal terms

  • Inaccurate service levels

  • No provisions for poor service. 

Every one of our contracts include language that manages and prevents each of these concerns. 

Then we consider how far you are into your contract and how many locations you have. 

If you only have a few months left on your contract and ten locations, the hauler is usually receptive to the suggestion of renegotiating the contract. 

A hauler is more likely to negotiate when:

  • Their pricing is much higher than a competitor’s

  • The agreement is with an old legal entity 

  • If your contract has automatically renewed several times

We evaluate your situation, your contracts, and your history with the vendor to ensure the very best decision is made. 

One important note: we’ve had clients come to us who are 100% fed up with their hauler and want a new one - even if it will mean paying a bit more for waste disposal services. 

In these situations, we do our very best to find a hauler with a better service record. 

Our contract expertise ensures you have fair pricing and terms - every time. 

We have market knowledge

Waste Contracts Can Yield Savings

We have 18 years of experience renegotiating waste contracts, so we don’t leave savings opportunities on the table.

We know that persistence with haulers pay off. We know what will motivate them to come to the table. We know how to evaluate your unique situation and get you the very best contract you can have. 

We know how the waste industry works, and so we know how the haulers think and how to speak their language. And we know how not to avoid common contract pitfalls. 

Why does all this matter? Because it makes our clients contract’s fool-proof. They have fair pricing, reasonable rates, and all price hikes are regulated. Their ancillary fees are eliminated or reduced. And as a result, they gain substantial savings. 

Put our expertise to use and find the savings you’re sitting on. 

We have waste equipment and service level knowledge 

At the end of our exhaustive audit, we know what should be on your site - and what isn’t. We know if you’re getting adequate levels of service, or too much service. 

We know where you problem spots are. And we know how to fix them.

For instance, many companies we work with tend to be over-serviced. Say one particular multifamily complex may be getting picked up three times a week, but only need service once a week. We know whether making that switch is prudent (it often is). And we know how to make the transition happen smoothly. 

Or, you may need a compactor on site, which will result in fewer pick-ups. It can help you save thousands of dollars over time, and many of our clients have found it worth the initial investment. 

We evaluate all your options based on your unique company, location, and industry. Then we present solutions. 

Put our expertise to work for you.

We can still help you, even if you already have a waste hauler contract. We know how and when to renegotiate. And we know how to find and maximize savings for you. 

Give us a call and learn our expertise can help you save.


What Our Clients Say About Our Services


5 Reasons a Waste Audit is a No-Brainer