How to Partner with Us

Our partnership with clients really is that: a true partnership. It’s important to us that you make the very best decisions you can about your waste disposal, so we are happy to explain why we do what we do - and show how this can positively affect your bottom line. 

Partnering with us is a sure way to maximize your waste savings potential and find waste solutions.

You deserve to have peace of mind about your waste spend. And we can help you get there. 

Partnering with us is a five step process:

  1. Set up a phone call to learn about our service and see if it’s a good fit

  2. Sign our service agreement

  3. Share invoice copies

  4. Review the Waste Savings Summary

  5. Share in savings 

I’ll be honest - we love finding our clients savings.

But our ultimate goal is making sure your needs are addressed at every stage of this process. We welcome - and enjoy - addressing the questions you may have at any point during this process. 

Why not sign up for a call today?

The First Step to Finding Savings: The Discovery Call

Discover how to save on waste expenses

A Discovery Call is the first step towards finding savings. It’s a quick, free consult where a WCI rep will ask you questions about your current waste management system. 

Some of these questions typically include:

  • How much do you spend on waste? (We are able to bring the most value to the table for companies who spend more than $10,000 each month) 

  • How many locations are in your portfolio?

  • How many waste streams do you currently have?

  • What problems are you currently experiencing with your waste disposal?

  • What are your growth plans over the next 1-3 years?

The purpose of these questions is to gauge how much value we can offer you. We aren’t always the best fit for every company. For instance, if you have only one location with one dumpster, we’re not going to be able to help you very much! But for most companies, our unique offering is a true opportunity.

Anita Huffman, the Corporate Finance Director at TWE Smart Nonwoven Solutions, wrote us earlier this month:

You uncovered more than $12,000 in monthly savings opportunities. Your exhaustive process and your teams dedication to our success has permanently changed our approach to waste management.

Anita took the first step toward her $12,000 savings with our Discovery Call. The questions we asked on that call made it clear that there were likely overlooked savings opportunities - and the rest is history!

Who Should Sign Up For a Discovery Call?

You should sign up for a discovery call if the following is true for you:

  • You spend more than $10,000 in waste.

  • You are a key decision maker for your company.

  • You want to save on your waste spend. 

  • You want to ensure your waste management is efficient.

  • You are tired of paying too much for waste disposal

If you suspect or know that you have waste issues, you need to know exactly what they are so that they be addressed. 

You need a waste ally who will bring their market expertise and high rate of success to your portfolio. You need to someone who can find waste disposal problems, solve them, and prevent them from happening again. 

In short, you should sign up for a discovery call if you want a waste ally. 

Schedule a Discovery Call by clicking here.

Scheduling a discovery call is as easy as clicking the link above. By the end of this short call, you’ll know what your next steps are to save on your waste spend. 

Second Step to Savings: Zoom Meeting

Find solutions to waste problems

If you and the WCI rep determine that you could benefit from an audit, you’ll schedule a Zoom video conference meeting. 

At this meeting, you’ll view a presentation that is tailored to your industry and company specifics. 

This presentation will show you:

  • How exactly our remote audit works

  • How much time our audit takes

  • How much time your staff will need to contribute (spoiler: very little!)

Zoom Meeting: Our successful audit process

We try to distill the successes that we’ve had over the years into this short presentation. For instance, in the past eighteen years, we’ve helped hundreds of companies in every industry find waste expense savings. Our success rate is upwards of 90% - so we’re confident in our ability to find savings for you. 

We try to make it easy for you to partner with us. One of the ways we do that is by guaranteeing that the process will be to be cash-flow positive. 

This means two things.

First, it’s pretty rare when we don’t find savings, but when we do, you don’t owe us anything. You don’t pay us unless you see a reduction on your waste spend. 

Secondly, this means that when you do pay us, you do so only out of the savings that we’ve found for you. You don’t have to add another line item to your budget. We’re paid strictly out of the surplus capital you have as the result of our waste audit. 

Zoom Meeting: WCI Service Agreement

After your WCI rep has explained our process, he or she will show you a copy of our service agreement. 

It’s a simple document; only two pages long. In a nutshell, it specifies that you agree to share in the quantifiable savings we implement at a rate of 50% for service period of  of 36-60 months (depending on the scope of the engagement). 

We never expect that you’ll sign on the spot or pressure you in any way. Your WCI rep will typically follow up within a week of our meeting and see where you and other decision makers are at. 

Your rep will answer any outstanding questions you may have, and once you sign the service agreement, we move forward with data collection.  

Step Three: Pass on the audit documents

Waste Audits Find Savings

After we have the signed agreement in hand, we assign your portfolio to one of our project managers. 

They’ll schedule a Kick Off Meeting via phone and you and your teams key players will meet them and discuss what the next few weeks will look like for you and your company. 

We Need Copies of Your Waste Hauler Agreements and Invoice + A List of Locations

They’ll ask that you or one of your team members pass on the following documents:

  • A copy of every location’s current service agreements

  • The log-on information for your hauler’s portals or a copy of the most recent invoice

  • A list of locations 

  • A signed LOA (we provide the draft)

We find that most teams can assemble this information in one or two hours. 

After we have the information we need, we start our audit process. We may follow up with you or your staff to verify location and hauler information, but we make it a point to make as few demands on your team’s time as possible. 

Our audits typically take 30-90 days, after which we compile our findings and present it to you. 

Step Four: Review the Waste Savings Summary

Save on Waste Expenses

We review the report with you, then how what we plan to do to maximize your savings. 

Our recommendations often include:

  • Equipment changes

  • Contract renegotiation

  • Hauler changes

  • Service frequency adjustments 

We’ll show you what you’re currently spending, and how much you can save. We are able to help most companies save 20-40% on their waste spend. 

Then we discuss which changes ought to take place at which of your locations or properties. 

We discuss any possible obstacles or hindrances to these changes taking effect, then make a plan to move forward - keeping your team up to date throughout the process. 

On this topic, Jackie Morelli, the Director of Operations at Evolve, told us just last week:

Great company and responsive team! They were able to audit our portfolio and provide savings for many of our communities . . . Great partnership, and I highly recommend their services.

We keep you in the know from start to finish, no matter how many locations you have.

Step Five: Share in the Savings

Save on Waste Expenses

After we make the changes to your current waste management system, we check your new invoices. 

Many times it takes haulers a few billing cycles to catch up with whatever equipment or service changes have been made. So we look over your invoices with a fine toothed comb to make sure that they are correct. 

Once your invoices are reviewed, we send you a monthly bill for 50% of the total quantifiable savings. 

The other 50% is yours to keep. 

Bonus: Ongoing Billing Review and Service Help

Post-audit, we continue to monitor billing for errors (link to 20,000 billing error)- which we find happen about 10% of the time. 

We also keep records of when your current hauler contracts are set to expire and contact them at the appropriate time to renegotiate better rates. 

But perhaps our clients most appreciate our ability to take on service issues. We know that trying to resolve issues like missed pick-ups can take up an inordinate amount of your staff’s time. We take these on so you don’t have to. 

Stop sitting on savings. Schedule a Discovery Call today. 

90% of companies are overspending on waste. Stop being one of them.

Take your first step towards savings by scheduling a free, informal consult today.


3 More Ways You're Overspending On Waste Disposal


How We Calculate Your Waste Savings