What We Don't Do - Part 2

As waste consultants, our process is different from waste haulers or waste brokers. We believe we’ve created an audit and savings process that puts your interests first.

We don’t:

  • “Estimate” your waste needs.

  • Leave your savings unprotected.

  • Perform waste services. 

Why? Because they are not ultimately in line with your interests. As a third-party auditor, it’s our responsibility not only to find the savings you’re sitting on, but to prevent future waste and recycling issues. Doing any one of these interferes with both of these objectives. It’s our goal to protect your interests - not undercut them.

We don’t “estimate” your waste disposal and recycling needs.

We don’t just give your waste needs our “best guess” and move on. 

Our waste audits take a minimum of two months. Why? Because you deserve to take advantage of every savings opportunity available to you. 

Not most of those savings opportunities. Not many of them. All of them. 

We don’t do perfunctory audits - we dig deep. We record all service information and perform history audits for every piece of equipment that is over 8yds long. We look for and record price fluctuation, increases, and fees. 

Then we analyze: 

  • where you’re overspending

  • what equipment is working and not working

  • identifies gaps in your service

  • Where there may be opportunities to introduce technology

  • the best way you can stop overspending. 

Regardless of whether you have 1 location or 100 locations, we will look at every nuance to make sure no savings opportunities slip through the cracks. 

90% of companies are sitting on hidden savings. How much are you sitting on? 

We don’t leave your savings unprotected

After our initial audit is complete, we implement all recommended savings opportunities. We may make equipment switches or service changes that benefit your bottom line immediately or longterm. We may also adjust your service levels so they’re efficient. When the changes have been made and all transitions are complete, the savings show up on your invoices. Typically, we are able to decrease your annual waste and recycling spend by 10-35%.

It would be pointless to achieve these savings and then not protect them.

Accountability protects savings.

Most haulers are out to make a buck. They know that most people don’t care about what they pay for waste. They know that most companies will pay whatever they charge for waste services.

Haulers are rarely held accountable. As a result, you’ll likely have price hikes several times a year, and you’ll pay ridiculous ancillary fees, and you’ll have very little recourse when pick-ups are consistently missed.

This isn’t sustainable. So we provide the much-needed accountability haulers need to charge you fairly. We ensure our hauler contracts prohibit or cap price spikes, auto-renewal clauses, and terms longer than 3 years - among other specifications. So if your hauler raises prices, we can point to the contract provisions and insist on billing credits. Our contracts allow us to hold your haulers accountable for their billing practices and service quality.

We’re invested in protecting your savings.

We audit your waste invoices going forward. Vendors make mistakes 10% of the time - and some of them aren’t small. 

As an independent third party, we painstakingly monitor your invoices to make sure that service is being provided as specified in your service agreement. 

And as an added bonus, we take on all the service issues you may have on site. You and your staff have enough to do, so you can leave service concerns to the experts. 

Both of these on-going services protect your time. As waste experts, we are efficient billing auditors because we know where to look for mistakes - and how to get billing credits when necessary. Likewise, we resolve service issues for you. Here are some service issues that we’ve taken care of for our clients in the past few months:

  • Moving the waste and recycling dumpster to the corral from the parking lot

  • Increasing pick-up due to higher trash production

  • Coordinating the transition of a new hauler

  • Calling and sending reminders to a hauler who would consistently “forget” to service a compactor.

Most service issues aren’t particularly difficult or challenging, they just take time. We ease this burden for your staff, who almost always have other priorities to attend to.

Every so often, we have a major service issue that needs resolution. Earlier last year, a client in North Carolina had a valet vendor that had multiple service failures. They kept losing the compactor key and forgot to service entire floors. They also dragged garbage through the hallways, leaving unsightly smells and trails of garbage residue. At our request, the company gave our client a refund, which was the right thing to do. But the situation didn’t end there.

The issues didn’t stop, and after several turnovers of valet porters, we knew we had to terminate service. We had included a service provision clause for this express purpose. If your vendors consistently don’t perform, you need to be able to exit the contract without paying any kind of fee. Because we were looking out for our client, this clause was included in their contract.

In the end, this client terminated without penalty and had a new provider with a better track record of performance by the end of the week.

We have the time and expertise to find and fight billing errors and to permanently resolve waste, recycling, and valet service issues.

We don’t perform waste services 

We are waste and recycling solutions providers - auditors. We are experts in waste streams and invoice analysis, but we are not waste haulers.

We don’t own any dump trucks or waste equipment; you’ll never see us on your site lugging garbage around. We coordinate all these services on your behalf, but we don’t provide the services ourselves. 

We pride ourselves on being independent, third-party auditors. This allows us to objectively look at your waste streams and find solutions that will yield savings. If we were haulers, we wouldn’t have the incentive to find solutions that would reduce your waste expenses - ultimately costing haulers revenue in the process.

Because we’re not haulers, we aren’t paid based on how frequently we service your site or how many pieces of waste equipment you’re renting from us. We aren’t monetarily incentivized to over-service the locations in your portfolio. We’re paid based on the actual savings we provide for you.

Our waste and recycling audit services protect your interests.

We protect your time and your bottom line.

To provide you the very best service, we are thorough, we monitor hauler’s invoices and resolve service issues, and we remain an independent voice in the waste industry.

Learn more about what we do - and why our audits have such a high success rate.


Free Download: "7 Ways You're Making Your Hauler Rich!"


5 Reasons You're the Perfect Candidate for a Utility Audit {Infographic}