What We Don't Do - Part 1
What we do is pretty unique - we are independent waste auditors that find every savings opportunity you’re sitting on.
We do this through our audits, a remote, detailed analysis of your waste and recycling processes.
But there are some important things we don’t do as waste consultants. We’ve made deliberate decisions to offer services that benefit you and your bottom line.
This is why we don’t:
Obscure our pricing.
Pay vendor bills on your behalf.
Not doing these things ensures no surprises on your end. We don’t believe in being anything less than transparent, whether it comes to our rates, our billing practices, or our services.
We don’t obscure our pricing.
We bill for 50% of the savings we find for you.
If we find $12,000 in savings every month (as we did for an Atlanta-based commercial real estate management company this past February), you’ll owe us $6,000 each month, and you’ll keep $6,000. Simple as that.
This means that our services are not an added business expense or line item. You pay us exclusively out of the savings we find for you - our process is cash-flow positive.
This method of pricing motivates us to find your maximum savings opportunities. It’s part of what makes our audit process so thorough. We’re not going to easily overlook potential cost-cutting solutions if we know it will hurt our compensation! We find that this pricing method actually serves your best interests: more savings are found when we have a stake in the game.
We don’t get paid unless we benefit you and your bottom line. If you paid us upfront, it would not only be an added business expense for you, but we would not be as motivated to find savings.
If we don’t find any savings opportunities for you, you don’t owe us anything. After all, why pay for a service if you don’t directly benefit from it?
We don’t pay hauler invoices on your behalf.
We don’t ever pay your waste hauler, utility, or telecom bills on your behalf. We’re not waste brokers - we think you should see your bills and know what you’re paying for. Brokers and some consultants will often package waste hauler bills and their own fees in one tidy little bill. It can be convenient for larger companies that don’t want the hassle of keeping track of multiple invoices for their many locations.
But it can obscure what exactly you’re paying for. You get one bill from the broker that will likely only have one amount listed. This amount is conglomerate of services at all properties, and will also typically include his broker fee. This method provides you no transparency. You have to rely on your broker and trust that he is being honest with you.
Suppose your broker hands you an invoice that is 30% larger than last month’s invoice. Your broker may tell you that waste hauler fees have gone up, or that you had a standard price hike at two locations. (Brokers are not financially motivated to negotiate contracts that are in your best interest. They may choose to do so - but they may not.) But in reality, your broker may have decided that his fees should increase. Obscuring what you are being charged opens the possibility for unfair spikes and charges to occur.
In order to prevent this, we have a different standard billing practice. We set up ideal contracts, service levels, and waste equipment, but all of the bills for every waste, recycling, and valet vendor are sent to the appropriate party or parties at your companies. They don’t go through us beforehand, so you’ll never get a hauler bill from us.
We will, however, audit those invoices. For most clients, we can obtain online log-on information from you or your staff that allows us to see these invoices on the hauler website. We find hauler invoices contain errors about 10% of the time, so we are careful to ensure that the line items on your invoice match the pricing or service levels dictated in your contract.