What to Expect Before a WCI Waste Audit: Preparations

Suppose you know that you have a waste management problem.

You know that what’s “normal” in your dealings with your waste hauler is actually hugely problematic: the price spikes are egregious, and you have constant service issues. You know that you need a solution to your waste disposal problems.  

And you know that we provide these services. We monitor billing, we create airtight contracts, and we find every savings opportunity available to you. 

But you’re not sure what the next steps might look like. 

What kind of terms does our contract include? Will our audit process take too much time from your staff? And how sure are we that we’ll find savings for you?  

We’ve included answers to these - and a whole lot of other related questions - below for your convenience, organized by topic. 

Questions about Savings and Service Charges


How much do you think I could save?

If you’re spending more than $10,000 a month on waste, we can likely help you save 10%-30% on your waste spend. For some companies it will be a little less, for others, it will be more.

This is the average amount of savings for a company. How did we come up with this average? In the 17 years we’ve been in business we’ve helped hundreds of clients. And we typically have saved them 10-30% on their waste spend. 

Why is this number so dependable? It’s because we know how the waste industry operates. They’re going to try to overcharge you. Your waste hauling rates are going to increase, and you’re going to charged for all kinds of fees that aren’t really service related (LINK). They’re going to overcharge you because it’s the industry norm: because they can. 

How sure are you that I’m actually overspending by 10-30% each month? If you’re spending north of $10,000 on waste, there’s a 90% chance you’re overspending. We help mid-size companies across every industry reduce and manage their waste. Most companies need our services. They’re overspending, and they have no idea. They’re sitting on potential savings opportunities, and they aren’t aware of them at all. 

What if you don’t find any savings? Over the years, there have only been a small percentage (about 10%) of companies that don’t benefit from our services. 

There can be any number of reasons for this. Sometimes certain markets are really tough. Other times, there are external factors that keep the companies from savings. 

When we don’t find any savings for a company, we actually see this as a benefit for them. First, the company now knows for certain that they’re paying fair prices for their waste spend. 

They know that their contracts are airtight, and they know that what they’re paying is commensurate with the market.

Secondly, the company just got a free waste audit. We don’t believe that you should pay for something you don’t benefit from. It’s part of our performance-based pricing. If our services aren’t of benefit to you, you don’t owe us anything. You only pay us when we find savings that affect your bottom line. 

How do you charge us?


It’s pretty straightforward. We don’t use algorithms or percentages; we charge you half of the savings. 

This means if we find you $5,000 in savings every month, we’ll send you an invoice for $2500. 

And to be clear, after we complete our initial audit process and begin invoicing you, we don’t just sit on our laurels. 

We monitor your bills for accuracy. Why? Because there are inaccuracies on one out of every ten of your invoices. We know because we find them for our clients. Haulers are human too, and we find that they often make unintentional mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes aren’t that big of a deal. But sometimes they are!

Bavarian Invoice .png

And even if they are small, they’re can be a pain to get resolved. Our staff spends hours every week resolving customer service and billing issues. This is time that your staff can devote to other, more significant projects .Our staff makes your staff more efficient.  

We are the first line of defense against haulers that miss pick-up or leave trash strewn across your property. Or when you get a 900% rate increase on your bill. We know what’s normal, and what’s not. And we know how to negotiate for fair charges and resolutions on your behalf. 

Have you ever heard of a waste audit? Sound a little too good to be true? Sound off in the comments below!


The Top 3 Ways to Save on Your Waste Expenses


Why You Need a Waste Ally {Infographic}